Miscellany Monday- a day late

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

Here is my
Miscellany group of pictures
for Miscellany Monday
a day late.
I began this post on Monday,
but then Ella Rae had other
plans for my afternoon haha.
*warning: picture overload!*

Starting with our trip to the pumpkin patch on Friday afternoon

We didn't get to actually see the field of pumpkins
because we missed the hayride down to the patch by about 10 mins.
That's okay because Ella Rae still had fun!
One things for sure, she is always on the move.
As you can tell,
Ella will never look at the camera.
There were so many cute photo ops
through out the farm, but out doodle
was more interested in checking out the props haha.
Oh well, we made memories and that is all that matters!

Next is the Pumpkin Carving Party Saturday night

That's a picture of our traditional jack-o-lantern.
I'm a dum-dum and
only remembered to get pictures
at the end of the night, probably
because thats when Ella Rae
finally started to calm down.
There was a bounce house,
playground and tons of new friends-
she had a blast!
Really, we all had a great time
and got our pumpkin carved in the process!
Can't wait for next years party.

We also have some pictures of diner with
Granddaddy and Gigi from a few weekends ago

Gigi got Ella Rae a new Halloween book
and cute stuffed pumpkin.
Kiya had fun playing with the pumpkin- haha
and Ella really enjoyed (or is still enjoying)
the new book.
Granddaddy put Ella Rae on his shoulders
She LOVES that!

And last but not least, Ella's new shoes!

Ella Rae is getting so active
so we figured it was time to get her
some big girl sneakers!
She loves them so much that
she tried taking them to
bed last night!

Well, hope everyone's Monday was fantastic, and Tuesday is even better!


  1. Precious pictures! I love the one next to the measuring stick - that would be really cute if they had it every year and you could see the growth year over year when you compared pictures :) Cute sneaks!

  2. Look at those sneakers - she is stylin!!! Aww - her hair looks SO long to me!!!! Miss and love ya'll bunches... I love that you post more blog updates now, so fun!!!

  3. Fabulous pumpkin pictures. I can never grow tired of looking at pumpkin patch pics -- the kids all look so thrilled! I, too, love the measuring stick pic. Fun, and keeps parents coming back every year.

    Have a great day.



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