Christmas 2010 #2

We were so lucky to get to enjoy Christmas again when Aunt Lala and Uncle Clint came to visit. Ella Rae got spoiled of course- for a second time!

Here are some pictures from our second Christmas Celebration!

ER xmas morning

Ella Rae’s second time finding presents under the tree! We saved two ‘santa’ presents- Gigi got her the cradle, Mommy and Daddy got her the tunnel/ tent.


Putting her baby in the cradle.


opening a present from Aunt Lala and Uncle Clint

cookie set

this cute little cookie baking set!


My most favorite gift! My mom crocheted these blankets for her grandkids. She made my sister a blue one and a pink and white one for her baby to be, and Ella Rae a beautiful pink one with a matching mini- blanket for her baby doll!!! So cute! It is so special to have something handmade from Gigi!

100_3475 Ella Rae joining us


another favorite- a dress up tutu!

christmas 2010-1

playing with the tunnel!


We have DOUBLED the number of stockings on my parent’s mantle now. That is crazy!

christmas #2

My parents got the boys these air guns that shoot out little foam disks. Everyone loved playing with those things! Here I am having a little shooting war with Uncle Clint!

Unfortunately, we didn't get any good group pictures this visit! I think everyone was so busy- between playing with Ella Rae, some of us working, Leigh Ann having some back and neck pain, planning executing and going to a baby shower—we just had a lot going on! But something fun to think about is the next time we are all together there will be a BABY in the mix! I can’t wait for my niece or nephew to get here!

We are so blessed with having such wonderful family! We loved spending the holidays with people we care about. We are so thankful to everyone (O’ma, Poppy, Nana, Granddaddy, Gigi, Aunt Lala, Uncle Clint and Uncle Ryan) for making this Christmas so special.


  1. We do have the most SPECIAL Christmases ever!!! Loved every minute of it. You did a great post with stories etc. - very cool! The saddest part is no group pic, just wait till July though!!!!

  2. It's so special for Grandaddy to have all his family around him!! I love you all soooo much!!


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