The 12 Days of Ella Rae
February & March 2009
Where all the action took place :)
It's almost baby time!
There is my girl! Screaming like a champ
Momma's first glance, almost an hour after she was born
Pretty girl
Ella Rae doing a little tanning
Ella Rae with Mommy
look how tiny she was
wide awake and all dressed up
the hearing test- which she PASSED!
the car seat test- which she PASSED!
Time to go home! First time I held her with 'no strings attached'
She was not a fan of the car seat at first, but slept peacefully the whole car ride home!
Kelly and I stayed at the Ronald McDonald house while Ella Rae was in the NICU. It was fantastic!
Finally home with Ella Rae
Kelly's Grandmother and Mom with Ella Rae- 4 Generations!
Ella Rae's first bath at home
She did a lot of sleeping those first few weeks home.
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