Begin, again.

July 6, 2020- 
I haven’t blogged in years. Literally 7 years. So why start back now? I want to remember this time. I want to savor this time. I want this to last even when it makes me crazy.

I have wanted to be a “stay at home” mom since I first found out I was pregnant with Ella Rae. But I was 20 years old, about to get married and knew that wasn't in my cards. So I worked. I have always worked. I've worked part time to try and be there for my girls as much as possible while still bringing in some money. Let me add, my sweet husband has always worked his ass off, full-time, for our family. But, of course, it's not enough. (Is it ever?) So for the past 11 years, even through the birth of my second daughter, I was a "working mom".

Then these words started floating around our world. Coronavirus. COVID-19. Hand Washing. Social distancing? Stay at home orders? Quarantined?
And suddenly, on March 15th 2020, our world changed I became a stay at home mom! The public schools were closing. My work shut down. I was told to keep my girls home, start distance learning and stay away from others as much as possible. If I am being honest, this was my dream! I've always liked home the best. I like to think of myself as a social introvert. I don't mind being social around close friends and family but not all the time. Add in the big group settings, the new people and it all makes me very anxious. So staying at home with my girls sounded great to me.

And it has been great. Better then great. Even on the hard days, I don't want this to end.

Together, my girls have had so much fun these past 4 months. I am so thankful that my girls like each other, most of the time. Now there has been some complaining about this odd and different time we are living in. I know the girls miss their friends from school and summer camp. But overall, we’ve been happy. 

February 2, 2021
Well, let’s start again. 6 months has passed since I thought about starting to blog again. And I’ve thought about it everyday in the past 6 months so here we are AGAIN

I will always give credit for words that are not my own and although I’m not a huge fan of RH, I do feel the same way. So many times I see things that others share and I think: “yes! I agree! That’s what I think too!” And I want to share in that feeling of inspiring others. I like sharing things about my life as a mom and I like sharing things about my girls. I like sharing things that make my life easier and I like sharing things that I find inspiring. So while I may not be “good” at writing I am good at sharing. And I am going to start sharing more here, on my little slice of the internet.

Plus it’s something that has taken up space in my brain so i have to give it a try, AGAIN. 😉

Ps- my girls are now back in school full time but I am still a “stay at home mom”. I finally have the time to share more! 


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