
Showing posts from 2011

Life with 2...

is CRAZY! It's fun, overwhelming, wonderful, comical, exhausting,  but mostly just CRAZY. We only had to stay at MUSC for 5 days, so we are all home and adjusting to our new life as a family of 4! Since it's been nearly a month since my last post, I will start with some pictures of our time at the hospital. Our first picture of Caroline Grabbing onto Daddy's fingers A body shot... poor little thing with the oxygen, IV and monitors :( Yay! Oxygen removed 12 hrs after birth! First time I got to hold Caroline First time Daddy got to hold her All snuggled up First feeding from Mommy A new hair accessory! Ella Rae came to visit! She wasn't really supposed to go into the NICU (too young) but we snuck her in for a quick visit anyways One of our nurses made Caroline's hat have a little bow :) Another accessory: the sweet preemie hat Gigi crocheted for her Finally in a real bassinet Daddy so proud of his new girl ...

Sweet Caroline

Caroline Jane Shaw Born 11-12-11 at 6:47pm 4lbs 14oz 18" long We are in Charleston at MUSC while Caroline gets bigger and stronger. Hoping to come home soon!!

Something unexpected...

Yet something we should have been prepared for. My water broke yesterday morning. At 35 weeks 1 day. I say prepared for because my water broke with Ella Rae at 33 weeks. We are currently in Charleston at MUSC being induced for the birth of our second preemie daughter! Here we go again!!! Please pray that this sweet baby follows in her sisters footsteps by coming out screaming and healthy! I thought I'd share a picture of Ella Rae and I from last night when I was still in Hilton Head. She came by to see me off!!

It's almost card time

Christmas Cards, that is.  I love recieving Christmas cards every year. It's a great way to see how much friends and family has grown and changed over the years.  But even more than I love receiving cards each year, I love sending them out! This year, I have decided to use Tinyprints for my families Christmas cards. I have never used Tinyprints before, but I have a friend who loves them! She uses Tinyprints for birth announcements , birthday invites, address labels - EVERYTHING! There are so many different choices for the Christmas cards . I am going to have a hard time narrowing it down!! Will I want a flip card? via   Or a tri-fold card? via Or a classic portrait card?    via I am leaning more towards an ornament card this year though. That way it lasts a bit longer than the traditional cards. I really like the simplicity of this one:   via I think one of the coolest features of Tinyprints is that they offer such unique address labels to ...

Halloween Fun!

We have been so busy these past few weeks with Halloween activities! First, Ella Rae got to pick out a pumpkin at the pumpkin patch Next, we went to a pumpkin carving party with our friends Wayne and Amy our awesome ghost pumpkin Then, Ella Rae got to enjoy some trick or treating around a local shopping complex where I work. She got to dress up in her costume and everything! Our cute little Minnie Mouse   She also had fun dancing on the stage (click the words to watch the video on youtube) Today, Ella Rae had a little performance and party at her preschool. And she got to wear her costume, once again!  this picture isn't great because I was  trying to hide from her... I just zoomed in alot!  Mommy and Ella Rae after the performance Ella Rae sharing her snack with Granddaddy at the party It's funny to think that we've had all this fun and it isn't even Halloween yet. I'm sure there will be more fun pictures after we go trick- or- treating on Monday night! O...

Hard at work

Last week and this week, I have been subbing at the preschool.  I am not in Ella Rae's class which is better for her,  but I have been exhausted!  Being that I am at the school more,  Ella Rae is at the school more too...  and spending more time in Gigi's office! See, she is hard at work too!!

Happy Day!

Sunday, the 25th, was a very special day. It was- in the words of Ella Rae- a "Happy Day"!! It was Granddaddy's Birthday!!! We celebrated by having diner and  cake at Gigi and Granddaddy's. Ella Rae with the Birthday Boy!!  Ella Rae and Gigi  Ella Rae with Gigi and Granddaddy And Daddy joined in, too!!   Granddaddy ALWAYS has a  coca-cola cake for his birthday cake. It is so yummy!  Of course, Ella Rae got to help blow out the candles! Happy Birthday Granddaddy! We love you so much!

Being an Auntie...

means seeing cute little girls in cute little shirts like this:     It also means that her cute little mommy is my sister! I love these two cute little ladies very much! xoxo

Labor Day Weekend

O'ma came to visit over Labor Day Weekend!! We enjoyed haning out with them one evning  and eating some yummy Chinese Food. I snapped a few pictures of  Ella Rae and O'ma  before we headed home.    Cheese!   Hugs for O'ma! We had a very nice visit, can't wait for the next one!!

drippy castles, icecream and the crib

 Even though it was his weekend off,  Kelly had to work on Saturday.  Major Boo! But Gigi, Granddaddy and I took Ella Rae to the  beach that morning to make up for it.  As you can see, the beach was practically empty!  Ella Rae enjoyed having the freedom to roam around.   She also loved learning how to make drippy castles with Granddaddy.  Stopping for a quick picture with mommy and new baby sister. Later that night (after the Gamecocks won!!)  we met at a cute new little ice cream shop in the promenade for a special treat!    Ella Rae got her very own mini ice cream cone! She LOVED it!   Of course, she wanted more when she was finished with her own cone so she snuck a lick of Gigi's haha!   Here's a cute picture of Ella Rae on the way to school one morning. She was excited, obviously!     Here's a belly picture for 26 weeks!    And being that we are 26 weeks and counting  I have felt ...