Miscellany Monday- Amazon Code & Pictures

I thought I would start
this Miscellany Monday
with a few pictures.

Ella Rae loves the park!
She likes the slide, but her
favorite park activity is the

And here is a cute picture of
Ella Rae and Kiya.
Sisterly hate love!

Now onto something fun!
My sister recently emailed me
to share this neat thing she just learned about.
Amazon Mom
Basically, Amazon offers
2-day shipping
to Mommies for a whole year!
{Daddies, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents & other caregivers can sign up too!}

Click that link up there to sign up.
I usually hate to buy things online
because of the shipping cost.
Now, using Amazon Mom, I
can stay home and
do my Christmas shopping!
Thanks for sharing, Leigh Ann!

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

Happy Monday Everyone!


  1. Those are some precious pictures, especially the one "a girl and her dog" :) The Amazon Mom thing is way cool. I sat there trying to figure out the catch before I placed an order a few weeks ago. I was shocked to get the wipes that I love (Pampers Clean 'n Go) that I can't find at Target anymore for way cheaper and shipped to my house via 2-day shipping to boot. It made me giddy, ha! I just ordered an Avalon Christmas CD this morning and was so happy to know that it'll be at my door by Wednesday! This is going to make Christmas shopping so much easier :) Happy Monday!

  2. Ella Rae is one cute little girl!

  3. haha - you cropped the trash can out!!! :-)
    Isn't the amazon thing THE BEST?! It is like going to change my life the next two months... ALL Christmas presents for HHI will be bought off amazon and just shipped home before I get there for my wrapping pleasure!!! :-) Love it -Love you!!!


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