
Showing posts from November, 2010


Today, November 17, is Prematurity Awareness Day! This cause is near and dear to my heart because our sweet Ella Rae was born 6 weeks premature. We were definitely on the upper side of the 'premature spectrum' so to speak, as many babies are born waaay earlier. We did, however, spend 14 days in the NICU after Ella's birth. It was a whirlwind to say the least. Did you know that 1 out of 8 babies are born premature? And the amount of premature births has risen 30% since 1981. That means too many babies are coming early and too many parents have to endure the unknown of their child being born prematurely. Today is a day to fight for those babies and families. In honor of Premature Awareness Day, I thought I would share some pictures of Ella Rae's Birth. The very first photo ever taken of Ella Rae. Kelly took this picture through the door when they were evaluating Ella right after she came out. A few minutes later they allowed Kelly in the room. Of course that left me alone...

Miscellany Monday- Amazon Code & Pictures

I thought I would start this Miscellany Monday with a few pictures. Ella Rae loves the park! She likes the slide, but her favorite park activity is the SWINGS! And here is a cute picture of Ella Rae and Kiya. Sisterly hate love! Now onto something fun! My sister recently emailed me to share this neat thing she just learned about. Amazon Mom Basically, Amazon offers FREE 2-day shipping to Mommies for a whole year! {Daddies, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents & other caregivers can sign up too!} Click that link up there to sign up. I usually hate to buy things online because of the shipping cost. Now, using Amazon Mom, I can stay home and do my Christmas shopping! Thanks for sharing, Leigh Ann! Happy Monday Everyone!

I can't believe....

Ella Rae is 21 MONTHS OLD today!!! Time is going too fast. Hopefully the next 3 months creep by.... I know it won't, but one can hope, right?? Anyways.... Look who is rockin the piggy tails.... a mirror shot- she was washing her hands! I think she just looks so big with the pigtails! She is just TOO MUCH! Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

Shutterfly Christmas Cards

I have used Shutterfly before. They have great products. One of my favorites is their wall calendars. You can even personalize certain dates for your family. When I searched the site this holiday season, I fell in love with the Christmas Cards . And to top it all off they have Christmas Gift Tags that can match the theme of your card. So adorable! Well Shutterfly is offering 50 free cards to bloggers, so I figured I would go ahead and use them for our Christmas Cards this year. Bloggers: get 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly… learn more: The actual design I choose is going to be a surprise for family and friends so I can not disclose which card we picked. However, these next 3 were in the running to be The Shaw Family Christmas card 2010. I love how unique they all are! And for such a great price, they look very expensive. {all photos found here } I am so excited for Christmas this year. Now, thanks to Shutterfly , I also can't wait to send out our Chr...


Since we are well on our way through November, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to say thanks to Aunt Lala. Why, might you ask? Because Aunt Lala bought this precious dress the last time she visited. Isn't it so cute? Sometimes, miss thing just doesn't want to cooperate with a smile for the camera... even with momma. Oh well, at least she's looking at the camera. Thanks again, Aunt Lala! Can't wait to see what you have in store for Christmas (haha j/k!)