
Showing posts from March, 2021

Friday favorites

Hey friends welcome back to another Friday favorites post! I am so happy the weekend is here. The girls and I love to say Fri-yay on Friday’s because we are just so darn happy to have no alarm clock for the next 2 days! It’s been a few weeks since my last Friday favorites but here is what I have been loving this week:  1. My most recent Amazon re-purchase was for these Elderberry gummies . The whole family started taking elderberry in addition to our daily vitamins when the pandemic started. These are our favorites. They are delicious!  2. Lysol. No explanation needed there 🤣 a year into a pandemic, I am still loving my Lysol disinfectant spray and very thankful it’s easy to find now! I spray everything the kids bring home from school. And all the hard surfaces in the house. And my car. Everyday.  3. Justin Bieber’s new song Hold On has been on repeat in my house since it came out a week ago. The girls and I are anxiously awaiting his new album! I’m a huge Bieber fa...


in all situations and to all people. If everyone in this harsh world changed their mentality to kindness this harsh world wouldn’t be so harsh. If you’re being kind, there’s no room for hate. If you’re being kind, there’s no room for anger.  Peace and unity.  Love and light.  Kindness and acceptance.  That’s what the world needs more of. So let’s do it. Let’s change our frame of thinking to kindness. When bad things happen, and they will, let’s remember to first choose kindness. Those other emotions can still have a place in your heart but if you start with kindness, your reaction will be less severe. I promise.  Just be kind