
Showing posts from November, 2011

Sweet Caroline

Caroline Jane Shaw Born 11-12-11 at 6:47pm 4lbs 14oz 18" long We are in Charleston at MUSC while Caroline gets bigger and stronger. Hoping to come home soon!!

Something unexpected...

Yet something we should have been prepared for. My water broke yesterday morning. At 35 weeks 1 day. I say prepared for because my water broke with Ella Rae at 33 weeks. We are currently in Charleston at MUSC being induced for the birth of our second preemie daughter! Here we go again!!! Please pray that this sweet baby follows in her sisters footsteps by coming out screaming and healthy! I thought I'd share a picture of Ella Rae and I from last night when I was still in Hilton Head. She came by to see me off!!

It's almost card time

Christmas Cards, that is.  I love recieving Christmas cards every year. It's a great way to see how much friends and family has grown and changed over the years.  But even more than I love receiving cards each year, I love sending them out! This year, I have decided to use Tinyprints for my families Christmas cards. I have never used Tinyprints before, but I have a friend who loves them! She uses Tinyprints for birth announcements , birthday invites, address labels - EVERYTHING! There are so many different choices for the Christmas cards . I am going to have a hard time narrowing it down!! Will I want a flip card? via   Or a tri-fold card? via Or a classic portrait card?    via I am leaning more towards an ornament card this year though. That way it lasts a bit longer than the traditional cards. I really like the simplicity of this one:   via I think one of the coolest features of Tinyprints is that they offer such unique address labels to ...