
Showing posts from July, 2011

matching girls & 20 weeks

Ella Rae and Hayley Grace have lots of little matching outfits. We tried to get the girls in them a few weeks ago when Hayley Grace was visiting, but there just wasn't enough time. Leigh Ann sent me a picture of HG in a dress the other day. I just had to put ER in the matching dress to send to Lala.   Here are the girls in their matching dresses! So cute! *********************************************************************************** On another note, I am 20 weeks pregnant today! I can't believe I'm half way through this pregnancy already. We find out the gender next Tuesday. And we CAN. NOT. WAIT! I am also so excited to get to see this little baby again! Last time we had an ultrasound I was only 8 weeks. The baby looked like a little gummy bear. This time it will look like a real baby! Until then, here is a new baby bump picture. 20 weeks Hope everyone has a great weekend!  Check back next week to find out if we are having  a boy or a girl!

Aunt Lala, Uncle Clint and HG's visit

So sorry it took so long for me to post  these pictures from Hayley Grace's visit.  We started potty training last week and I have been pretty consumed with it.  I would say that this house is  successfully diaper free!!  (at least for the next 5 months haha)  We definitely use pull ups at sleeping time,  but otherwise, Ella Rae always uses the potty! Now, onto the pictures!!  Finally holding my sweet niece   Gigi happy to have her granddaughters   Ella Rae stayed very close to "Baby Hayley" especially during feeding time Auntie Leslie and Hayley Grace   The first time we tried going to the beach- it was cold and rainy   But we ran down to the water and snapped a quick pic anyways You guys already saw this sweet picture....  but I think this one is EVEN SWEETER!  My sister and I with our DAUGHTERS... crazy!   Gigi with her GRANDDAUGHTERS... even crazier! I took the opportunity to feed HG any chance I got :) ...

Sneak Peek...

just a peek at what the past week held for us... Baby Hayley Grace, Uncle Clint and Aunt Lala came to visit! Lots more pictures to come!!

iPhone photo dump

July, where did you come from?!?  I mean seriously... time goes way too fast!! I figured the best way to show what we've  been up too lately would be an iPhone photo dump.  I take pictures with my phone much more  frequently than the camera, because I  always have it around!   Ella Rae really enjoys the pool- swimming and lounging. Ella Rae got to go to the end of the year party at Gigi's school.  Gigi and Granddaddy also got her a new  sand and water table to play with! And we've spent A LOT of  time at the beach!!    Ella Rae has been looking pretty darn cute these days, too! And one more funny picture...  Aunt Lala asked me for a baby bump  picture so this is what I sent her: Ella Rae AND new baby all in one! (I am 15 weeks in this picture) I hope everyone has a great 4th o f July holiday!