matching girls & 20 weeks
Ella Rae and Hayley Grace have lots of little matching outfits. We tried to get the girls in them a few weeks ago when Hayley Grace was visiting, but there just wasn't enough time. Leigh Ann sent me a picture of HG in a dress the other day. I just had to put ER in the matching dress to send to Lala. Here are the girls in their matching dresses! So cute! *********************************************************************************** On another note, I am 20 weeks pregnant today! I can't believe I'm half way through this pregnancy already. We find out the gender next Tuesday. And we CAN. NOT. WAIT! I am also so excited to get to see this little baby again! Last time we had an ultrasound I was only 8 weeks. The baby looked like a little gummy bear. This time it will look like a real baby! Until then, here is a new baby bump picture. 20 weeks Hope everyone has a great weekend! Check back next week to find out if we are having a boy or a girl!