
Showing posts from March, 2011

The countdown is on, but no news to report yet…

ONE WEEK until Ella Rae and I head to Albuquerque to see my sister and niece or nephew! That’s right, we are still waiting to find out if Baby T is going to be a niece or nephew. Poor Leigh Ann is 40 weeks and 3 days. Everyone please pray that Baby T decides to make an appearance soon. Clint and Leigh Ann are definitely ready to meet their child! I will def be doing a post about the newest family member soon! Technology is so cool! We have been able to see Granddaddy and Gigi through the webcam since they have been in ABQ. I wish I was able to be with my sister like she was there for Ella Rae’s birth. But at least I can SEE them instantly! Next time we webcam, Lala will {hopefully} have a baby!!!    This weekend, Kelly and I helped our friend Corri move some stuff into a storage unit. I will have a post soon about Corri and Nelson’s big move to Texas!! While we were there, Ella Rae was able to meet some horses. She was scared at first, but warmed up to them at the end....

travels, visits and pics

Things have been pretty crazy round these parts lately. Ella Rae has definitely started acting like the old adage “terrible twos”. She certainly hasn’t been terrible by any means, just different. More active, busier, and she hasn’t been sleeping great. That means when she IS sleeping, I am taking some mommy time. Blogging just hasn’t been my top priority when there is always a sink full of dishes and multiple loads of laundry  to be washed and folded. We are counting down to Baby T’s arrival. My niece or nephew is due this Saturday so we are anxiously awaiting a “My water broke” call or a “I’m being induced on this date” call. Either way, I can’t wait to be an Aunt!!!  Here is Lala at 38 1/2 weeks! Doesn’t she look AMAZING!?! That being said, we are all getting ready to travel to Albuquerque!! Gigi and Grandaddy leave on Thursday and will stay almost 3 weeks. It will be Gigi’s longest time away from Ella Rae AND her longest time away from home ever since being married!! Ba...

An Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

What's YOUR song? #2

Today I am actually sharing two songs! This first song was performed last night on American Idol and I was blown away by this guy. We have loved Scotty since the beginning, but I was super impressed to  hear him sing a Garth Brooks song so well. I grew up listening to country music especially the 'real' country guys like Garth! I hope Scotty wins! <p><p><p><br><br><br><br>This</p&...


    1. Ella Rae has been waking up about 6:15 lately. I am not ready to wake up at that hour, so we usually hang out in my bed until about 7:00. Ella is very cozy in Daddy’s spot, since he leaves for work right before she wakes up :) 2. How adorable is she!? We got a few boxes of hand me down clothes from our friends in PA. Love this little sweater vest. Thanks Kristen AND Victoria! 3. Ella Rae took my eyeliner this morning while I was putting on my make up. She brought it right back when I asked, top on and all. When I put her in the car, I noticed the little black spot on her ear?! The ear, Ella Rae? Crazy girl! 4. We are getting so excited to meet Baby T! Ella Rae and I talk about the baby in Lala’s tummy every single day! She can even point right where her cousin is!  Less than a month and we will be in Albuquerque meeting Baby T!  Happy Monday Everyone!

What's YOUR song?

Today I am joining Goodnight Moon's link up party where we share a song. It's no secret that we (Ella Rae and I) are fans of Justin Bieber and I absolutely love this song of his. He is only 17, but he's got a wonderful heart and donates a lot of money and time to many different charities and organizations. We are definitely fans! And a sweet picture of my girl, just for fun!! Happy Thursday Everyone!

For my daughter….

Today (March 2) is Dr. Seuss’ birthday! In honor of his special day, I thought I would share my favorite Dr. Seuss quotes… all great words of wisdom that I hope to always portray to Ella Rae.    “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is youer than You.”   “Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the things you can think up if only you try!” “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” Happy 107th Birthday, Dr. Seuss!  Happy Wednesday Everyone!  ~And a special shout out to Lala and (hopefully) Baby T's birthday month!~