
Showing posts from October, 2010

Trick or Treat

We took Ella Rae trick-or-treating Thursday night at Coligny Plaza. She was a still {a little bit} too young for the trick or treating part, but she got to wear a costume and I got some pictures! This year, Ella dressed as a bumble bee. Front view of her costume and from the back The bumble bee with Daddy and with Momma {i was also working that night but was able to sneak away for some fun with my girl- hence the Tail-Waggers shirt} And a family pic with the bumble bee to end off the night. Hope everyone has a Happy Halloween !

New Pajamas

How big is Ella Rae? So Big! We are all lovin her new hot pink glow in the dark skeleton jammies!

Miscellany Monday- a day late

Here is my Miscellany group of pictures for Miscellany Monday a day late. I began this post on Monday, but then Ella Rae had other plans for my afternoon haha. *warning: picture overload!* Starting with our trip to the pumpkin patch on Friday afternoon We didn't get to actually see the field of pumpkins because we missed the hayride down to the patch by about 10 mins. That's okay because Ella Rae still had fun! One things for sure, she is always on the move. As you can tell, Ella will never look at the camera. There were so many cute photo ops through out the farm, but out doodle was more interested in checking out the props haha. Oh well, we made memories and that is all that matters! Next is the Pumpkin Carving Party Saturday night That's a picture of our traditional jack-o-lantern. I'm a dum-dum and only remembered to get pictures at the end of the night, probably because thats when Ella Rae finally started to calm down. There was a bounce house, playground and ...

Top 2 Tuesday

Top 2 Favorite Old Pictures Still my all time most favorite picture of Ella Rae. This was taken when she was 2 months old. I love this sweet, sleeping face. This was the first time I ever held Ella Rae "no strings attached" (no wires or monitors) . 14 Days after she was born. The day she was released from the hospital and we brought her home. Horrible picture, but one of my favorite memories.

Miscellany Monday

I thought I would join in with Miscellany Monday again. But this time I just have a few miscellaneous pictures. I took these pictures a few weeks back. Ella Rae got this darling dress from a friend in New Jersey and I must have forgotten about it during the summer. Even though it is after labor day (I'm a stickler for the "no white after labor day" rule) I took Ella Rae down to the beach to snap some pictures in the pretty dress. It was really hard to keep Ella Rae safe near the water and get good pictures alone... but some are better than none. Enjoy!! Ella Rae loved our shadows on a mission to get to the water almost there! so happy the dress got soaked immediately, so now we are down to only diaper hmmm, where did that bird go? one last dash to the water before we go home. And yes, that is Ella Rae's RuffleButts diaper cover. I Love It! Happy Monday everyone!

2 years ago...

Well, 1 year and 364 days ago.... Kelly and I got married! We will be celebrating our second wedding anniversary tomorrow, October 9, 2010. I figured I'd post this today, because I have to work all day tomorrow. :( But thats ok, Kelly and I have diner and a movie planned for tonight. Made possible by babysitter, Gigi. Happy 2nd Anniversary, Kelly! I Love You!

Aunt Lala's September visit- better late then never

A huge thanks to Aunt Lala for supplying us with these photos. See, I'm horrible at taking pictures! Aunt Lala and Ella Rae. having fun on the playground stopping for a picture helping Aunt Lala make whipped cream Then trying the whip cream! Yum!! Ella Rae feeding her baby Shopping with the girls All '4' of us! Bikini girl at the beach playing in the water with Aunt Lala And a quick picture with mommy to end the week! We had such a fun visit with Aunt Lala. But we missed Uncle Clint A lot! Can't wait till next time! ps- Did you notice that I said 4 of us in that picture of Ella Rae, Aunt Lala and I? Well that's because Ella Rae is getting a cousin! Aunt Lala and Uncle Clint are expecting a baby in March. We are SO excited for them!!

First Miscellany Monday

I may be shocking most by having 2 posts in one day. I normally only post about once a week. But I'm bored I thought it would be fun to join in on a link party so I am joining the Miscellany Monday link party that lowercase letters does. Here, you post anything {miscellaneous} that you want. I am going to start out small today and only write 3 miscellaneous blurbs. {one} I am really shocked at how fast September flew by. Kelly and I were talking and realized these next few months are going to fly by also. We have our anniversary, Uncle Ryan's birthday and Halloween in October. Gigi and Granddaddy's Anniversary, Kelly's birthday and Thanksgiving in November. Gigi's birthday, Christmas and New Years Eve in December. Phew. It will be 2011 before we know it!! {two} Ella Rae is really starting to show us her age lately. This soon-to-be 2 year old is getting into everything! She was abnormally quiet in the kitchen today when I was using the bathroom {which, us mommies ...

The Beach

You may be asking yourself.... In October ? Well yes! Ella Rae and I met her O'ma and Uncle Ryan at the beach on Sunday. We went in the morning and it was a bit chilly . Well, this southern momma thought it was chilly. And Uncle Ryan thought it was chilly, too Ella Rae and Oma didn't mind , though. They had fun playing in the water with the 4 big dogs. But they were way down the beach so I didn't get a picture. Here are a few pictures I did get though: Ella Rae, O'ma and Mommy {take note: mommy in a sweater, O'ma in a bathing suit lol} O'ma and Ella Rae {take note: Ella Rae has firm grip on keys and cell phone, her 2 favorites} Ella Rae and Uncle Ryan {take note: Uncle Ryan also in sweater} Ella Rae had such a fun time hanging out with her O'ma. We also had diner with O'ma, Uncle Ryan and Nana on Saturday night. But, of course , I forgot the camera. We miss you already O'ma! Can't wait to see you again! Thanks for everything !