
Showing posts from May, 2010

Aunt Lala and Uncle Clint's visit

The day we moved into our new home, Aunt Lala and Uncle Clint came for their visit. We had so much fun playing with them for almost 2 weeks! The last time they saw Ella Rae, she wasn't even walking yet. This time, she could hardly sit still! Luckily, Aunt Lala and Uncle Clint were right there chasing after her the whole time! I actually got to sit and relax at the beach-- that never happens! We had so many pictures between us, that the easiest way to show them all (and not make blogger run slow) was to make them all into collages. Below are some pictures of our amazing time!! We celebrated mommy's birthday and went to the park We went to the beach- twice! We also went to the pool! {the first couple of pictures are from her first pool experience- a week before} And we did lots of other fun things like-- climbed in boxes, played basketball, shucked corn, tried a lollipop, swept the porch and went on lots of walks! We had such a great time hanging out with Leigh Ann and Clint. Out...

The Move

Well, I survived the move! We have been in our new townhouse for almost TWO weeks! It went much smoother, for everyone, than I had anticipated. {phew} HOWEVER-- there are still some things looming from the move... A ton of boxes A new gate for our new stairs stacks of pictures and an empty apartment that is {still} being cleaned! Here is some silly-ness in the apartment: Overall, we are all adjusting very well to our new home :) Soon, I will post some pictures from our visit with Aunt Lala and Uncle Clint. Have a great week!

This little piggy...

needs some polish! And thanks to another blogger, Mrs. Muffins , I am entering in a giveaway to try and win this very cool nail polish. Piggy Paint is a water based nail polish made especially for kids! It doesn't have all those yucky chemicals like regular nail polish, so it is child safe and environmentally friendly too! Look at the difference between Piggy Paint and Regular nail polish on this foam plate. I don't want those chemicals on my doddle's fingers or toes. Hopefully I will win this giveaway so I don't have to worry about that! If I don't, Piggy Paint would make a great gift for doodle, or mommy! (hint hint, ha ha) Ok, So I know I said I wouldn't be blogging for a few weeks until the move was over, but I had to jump at the opportunity to possibly win some piggy paint. Happy Monday Y'all!

It's been awhile...

since I last posted. But there is a very good reason for that. I have been crazy busy! Kelly has been working A TON (I am super proud, but that means more work at home for me!!). I was finishing up the semester and had finals (still waiting on grades). And we are MOVING (nooooooo)! Yes! We are moving from here... to here... I will post more pictures in a few weeks, once we are settled in. But that is why I have been a crazy woman lately. And I will continue to be a crazy woman because the day we move these people will be visiting... How am I (we) supposed to get anything done with Aunt Lala and Uncle Clint in town? It will work out beautifully, I'm sure, I will just be a crazy woman for a few weeks. :-D So while we pack and move and unpack and visit with Aunt Lala and Uncle Clint, I will leave a few pictures for your enjoyment! Ella Rae eating Pretty girl! Ella Rae on the porch trying to get the camera from me Aunt Momo brought me some presents from her NYC trip! Thanks Aunt ...