
Showing posts from April, 2010

Google Island

Please help make Hilton Head a "google island." Click on the word "vote" at the bottom of this post to vote for Hilton Head Island, SC to receive a trial of Google's new fiber-optic internet. This will make the internet perform at ultra high-speed, about 100 times faster than what average Americans experience. Hilton Head is currently in 5th place so I am trying to spread the word. Please feel free to share this with other friends/ family as well. I am also linking the facebook page so yall can get a better understanding of google fiber. This means you can click on those words down there and it will take you directly to those sites. Thanks everyone, have a great day! VOTE FACEBOOK

Weekly Wednesday Update

Looking back on my previous posts, I realized I was posting on Wednesday so I figured I should keep it up! This weekend Ella Rae got to hang out with her second cousins. Heather, Holly and Heidi are Kelly's Aunt's girls. Ella Rae has met them before, but this was the first time she got to really interact. She had a great time. As you can see, getting a good picture with 4 kids is even more challenging than with just 1. But here are a few pictures from our visit. I also wanted to share some fun cell phone pics this week. I am constantly sending pictures to Aunt Lala via cell phone, so sometimes it is nice to download the best ones onto the computer too. Ella Rae running away from me at the beach Ella Rae looking at me out the window when I was pumping gas Ella Rae not wanting to take a nap the other day Hope everyone has a great week!

April, already?

I can't believe April is already underway. I wanted to get some new pictures up, mainly of Easter. Enjoy! Ella Rae's Easter basket and goodies Ella Rae grabbing at her new blocks She was very excited about all the fun stuff Happy Easter from our little bunny! Helping Ella Rae put her quarters (which were inside the plastic eggs) in her piggy bank. Ella Rae climbing into her Easter basket... she is ALWAYS so silly! Going for a car ride So happy! The Shaw Family :) Then we tried to get a picture of just Ella Rae and the flowers. That didn't work out so well. So here is a collage of all the pictures of Ella Rae and the flowers See... not so easy to keep a 14 month old still! We also took Ella Rae (and Kiya) to the beach. It wasn't her first time, but it was her first time at the beach being able to walk. She loved it! We stayed for about 30 minutes, just enough time for me to get some videos and pictures. I snapped tons and tons of pictures. When we got home I realized the...